Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

Dale > Chip and Dale > Chip > Potato chip > Potato

I went to a liberal arts college, so I believe I am clearly qualified to tackle this challenging engineering problem.

Well let’s be fair, Doug talks about Land Rover’s questionable build quality all the time.

You’re going to recommend some get a hybrid from the company that took from 1985 to 2003 to design a power window regulator that didn’t fail all the time? Brave.
I’m going to continue driving my ‘12 Passat TDI, and will continue doing so after the recall. On the Passats anyway I expect it to be software only , and not

“My dad wrote a letter and paid [the crew that built it] $3 to put it in the capsule,” one local Bay City resident told MLive. “I asked him what he put in it, but he said, ‘You’ll find out in 100 years.’ Instead, it was 50. I know he left a message for us five kids.”

I don’t know jack about PWC, and I ride a motorcycle 5 days a week. I thought it was a great addition to the site. Of course I don’t want this to become WaterSports Daily, but there’s nothing wrong with some unexpected content.

Why do you believe he did it?

Let’s see what the angry mob that was ready to burn Kane at the stake has to say about this.

Also an “elaborate hoax”?

Jetskis are solid proof that the trope “Money doesn’t buy happiness” is 100% untrue. Rich people own jetskis, and people on jetskis are always smiling. Therefore money DOES buy happiness.

Big deal, Barry. It takes twice as many people to undress Eli.

2nd Gear: Fuck California.

Fun story about ice breakers: they are often dual hull designs (and ice breaking bow and keel on one end and an open water bow and keel on the other) because icebreaker hulls are terrible in open water so they are designed to turn around in open water and sail one way and then flip around completely when they get to

its a Russian apartment complex, just look at that superstructure, what is is 4 storey's high, 200 senior citizen apartments. its fueled by complaints from old people.

Wow, those O2 bungs are hideous. It’s like it came back from the chrome tank and someone realized they forgot to weld them on.

This differs from Norton, whose revival attempt involved pumping out press releases instead of production bikes.

Now available at the Avis rental counter.