Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

Look closer Máté, its there

because this is funny and that isn't, and in both scenarios we see the picture.

THIS is a spy shot! New McLaren Sports Series no camo! Exclusive!!

The Veyron was different. It had no competition. It was just the most of everything. How much does it cost? A million. How fast does it go? A million. How many special editions are there? A million.

"Speak softly, and reveal a Ford GT."

Whenever a Jalopnik article feels just a wee bit too perfect, I have to scroll up and see if Doug is the author.

You see, after literally years of pomp and circumstance surrounding the NSX, Ford managed to upstage Acura on the very day of the NSX reveal with a far more exciting car that nobody knew anything about. Instead of talking about the new Ford GT for the last decade, and showing people drawings of the Ford GT, and

Who's going to cover all the inescapable paint damage expenses from all of the wash pieces that assault your car to get it "clean".

And this video, ladies and gentlemen, is how you turn lemons into lemonade.

If what you are doing is not working, try something different.

There seems like quite a lot of time to slip back on that brake....

You mean, like this?

Constantly amazed at how ultra competitive pro athletes and drivers can be.

Give them time, the Wizards may make the Finals one day.

like a true champ. Apex all the things!!!!

They're going in the wrong direction.

Well, the crowd probably only had 3 people in it. It was a Wizards game after all.

It's amazing what Jeff Gordon can do when Brad Keselowski isn't wrecking him.