Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

Any interest in selling, Peter? I’m your huckleberry if so.

SUPER GT’s Honda NSX-GT has always been different from both its road-going self and its competitors: it’s always been a mid-engine layout.

So, I think these are entirely fair points.

Let’s start with:

The combined carbon and greenhouse gas emissions generated by taking an intercontinental flight to then drive around this pristine chunk of earth is so unbelievably problematic that I question how this article made it through GMG editorial.

Your contention is that billions of dollars in annual costs to literally *everyone* could be eliminated if everyone “just woke up”. You are engineering Jesus and have it all figured out if only all of these people would just listen to you!

It is impressive how many little nuggets here and there you do have correct and manage to twist into wildly simplistic conclusions.

Engineers: they’ve got it all figured out!

See, here is the great flaw in your load of shit: the CPA exam comprises very little math. The math in the exam is specifically designed to be doable with the most basic calculator available, to the extent that you’re not allowed to bring a calculator into the exam and your only option for a calculator is a

Well, “engineer” is about all I needed to see here to get my answer.

I thought about trying to explain the concept of strategic and consulting services to this guy, and how the fees paid are a fraction of the value generated/preserved by the work, but let’s be completely clear: that dude is smoking crack and whatever exam he thinks he took (but most certainly didn’t) has absolutely

You sat down and took 16 hours worth of exams to pass a test to gain a certification you don’t qualify for to obtain some kind of permission you don’t even need to prepare your own returns?

The take-home comp of your friendly neighborhood CPA who is a partner at their firm would absolutely floor most of you. It’s generally not great form to show up at meetings with clients in vehicles which remind your client that the fees you charge result in six-to-seven figures of annual comp, particularly when they

wrote to notify the car enthusiast

I hate to well-actually you, but that’s not a migraine.

David’s recommendation was so uncharacteristically rational that I had an existential crisis over having flipped into some bizarro-world.

Unbelievably serious. I don’t think you understand how bad this feature-series has been. You can bicker over the quality of the suggestions, but it truly may be the least incoherent one of these lists to date; that’s not a reflection of the cars selected here, it’s a reflection of the usual suggestions.

He jumped the shark a long time ago with his quirks bit. It’s become quirkiness for the sake of quirkiness, which really makes it a lot less quirky.

This got an audible chuckle out of me and is quite perfect. It also just didn’t make much sense as a response to this prompt, notwithstanding the whole maintenance thing.