Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

This has a shot at being the least-shit collection of responses to “What Car Should You Buy?” in the history of this bit.

Still terrible: that interior

Another yawn-inducing motorsports headline rife with misplaced cynicism? Whatever gets the clicks!

Because this requires zero development cost. It’s a fundraising exercise; sell legacy hardware whose contribution margin is pure profit to fund whatever new vaporware they’re coming up with.

Counterpoint: the economic and physical health of the beings on this planet has increased exponentially since the moon landing, and it’s only in our heads that things are worse.

Whispers: yup, the sounds matters folks

The purists did not completely win, though, as the new 4.0L going into these cars does not utilize Porsche’s motorsport engine architecture.

I think that’s a very difficult question to answer from a market-facing perspective. They absolutely furthered the technology from a racing standpoint, but ostensibly the purpose of hybridizing racing is to further road car technology. To hear those with understandings of F1 hybrid systems (between KERS, MGU-K,

“If his little thing tied around that steering wheel fell off, and he was still sleeping, he would have slammed into somebody going 65 miles per hour,” Miladinovich said.

To give OEMs the option of justifying their program via the power of hybrid buzzwords. The answer to “can we go race at Le Mans? is much more likely to be “yes” if they attach the word “hybrid” to it, even if the hybrid element is largely neutered and irrelevant to success.

Really have to love that someone’s already $30k deep in legal fees before the residents have gotten their belonging out of the apartments, much less before anyone has any idea what happened.

I bet finding a running F-Head motor would have cost less time and money than building these “Predator” engine-swapped military Jeeps, so I have to give the owner credit for the creativity and hard work that went into building these unique, fascinating off-roaders.

This is the take I came in here for. I feared I would see lots of “LOOK AT HOW BLOATED CARS HAVE BECOME ZOMG” but the actual take is, Jesus, the Bergspyders were TINY. Borderline go-karts.

“Hot and sunny as SF” prove how large your testicles are

That makes sense in theory, but word on the street is that they didn’t even have those conversations and GM was so unimpressed by their prep that they weren’t doing much to go to bat for McLaren. It’s all just talk, but it doesn’t seem like those partnerships were as closed-off to McLaren as people have thought. At

I have absolutely zero commitment to this bit, but these are nearly verbatim arguments that flow from Twitter responses to Tiff Needell suggesting that IndyCar is a compelling series, or just about any comment on RaceFans regarding Indy which makes it into the main feed on that site.

Not getting an Andretti car is one thing (although plenty have suggested that an Andretti-led team on a Chevy engine deal was not out of the question); hitching themselves at the last possible minute to the least experienced Chevy program in the field (arguably the worst after getting only 3 of 4 cars into the field)

Strange how Indy becomes relevant to celebrate triumphs and is dismissed as a bottom-feeding series the rest of the time.

So the failures are American due to (a single person of) leadership, and the victories are British on account of everyone else?