Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

Oh it would be drastically unfair to do so, but it’s a lot of fun to watch Carlin/McLaren struggle with something that the European F1 audiences (en mass, not as necessarily across the board) have spent a lot of time writing off as uncomplicated automotive wankery.

1. His motorsport background is largely European, aside from some sports car racing in North America and a brief stint running around in NASCAR marketing where he disenfranchised himself with almost everyone he came in contact with.

Three words: English motorsport arrogance.

Obviously planted by Customs to eliminate a patsy for their ringers.

The most impressive feature of these photos is how well you managed to keep out of frame the swaths of “former B-list extreme sports athlete who fell ass-backwards into a small fortune and bought an air-cooled 911 when you could pick them up in exchange for a pack of cigarettes and a handjob and wants to talk to you

With spoon engines, T66 turbos, NOS, Motec exhaust, and Mashimoto tires. All courtesy of Harry’s, of course, overnighted from Japan.


Aside from the terminal understeer, the VR6 portion of my MkIV was the least problematic thing in the car, weirdly.

TDI certainly helps, but I’m inclined to call you a liar to your face at “zero electrical problems”, although that’s probably just my MkIV PTSD kicking in.

There are plenty of responses which one could give to promote the reliability of modern day VWs.

The Formula E season has shaped up into a series of races that is as exciting and incredibly unpredictable as Formula One has been the opposite.

This series’ refs and the refs in the Blues/Stars series need to have a meeting of the minds, because the refs in the latter seem to want to call everything icing.

But it’s important to lambaste baseball’s unwritten rules at any and every opportunity!

In the article...

Why do you guys continue to give exposure to this assclown?

Air travel is fantastic. It’s often the cheapest and most efficient way to get from one point to another, and it’s cheaper to fly than it’s ever been in the history of air travel. As a result of allowing the proletariat access to cheap air travel, the process can sometimes involve long lines (which you can generally

Three lefts.

I think those are both probably accurate. I think along with the proximity bit something I notice is a high level of group commiseration; one person expresses anguish at the situation and it seems like everyone else at the gate is champing at the bit to join in, and the negativity sort of fuels itself.

Air travel is a marvel, an absurd luxury presented to us at a ridiculous value, and one which is complicated, and if you acknowledge that up front the rest of the process gets easier to stomach. I really think a lot of your experience with any airline is what you make of it, and I think a lot of people bring an

Eddie Money’s vehicle of choice.