Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

“We have a country without paid maternity leave, or enough time to establish breastfeeding, and a country where women are shamed for breastfeeding in public,” she said.

It’s not as simple, but I find inside-out spin to be fairly effective at the 3.5-4.0 level (regular recreational players) in tennis. Players at that level are generally well-equipped to handle traditional backhand or forehand slices, but if you really cut under the ball with some torque on a forehand few players are

Another weird hill chosen to die on.

Yes. Without accessories, exhaust, etc. it would be a gross HP number, which stopped being advertised in the early 70s. There are still some items which aren’t consistently hooked up across all automakers, but they’re awfully reliable/comparable between manufacturers/cars these days.

I think he wants to keep the car but thinks he’s come up with a genius way to shave $1mm off the purchase price.

We need to note a Jalopnik style guide infraction here. Your headline is far too accurate and even-keeled. JSG rules require that this headline read:

He *really* doesn’t need the money and has a pretty sterling reputation as a purveyor of fine Porsches, hard to see the incentive for him to dabble in intentional fakery like this.

“proposed barrier could also create security concerns... Kitchen staff wouldn’t be able to see the dining room or customers entering and leaving the restaurant.”

Cloth seats carry zero material (if any) weight savings over leather seats, and frankly aren’t much cheaper (if at all) than most of the leather-alternatives used these days.

While we’re at it let’s also ditch fuel injection for dual-carburetors, radial tires for bias ply , and that damn fiddling starter motor; real drivers’ cars use a hand-crank starter!

You could, but that would be intentionally obtuse.

Number one request for all broadcasters of motorsport is to stop those ridiculous long telephoto lens shots. It would do wonders to spice up the visual appeal. 

When we first put it in the tunnel a few months ago, we’re talking a few seconds of laptime, and a poorly balanced car as well.

Do not allow yourself to be bullied here, Justin, this the take we deserve, with one exception: watches are useful and better than phones for telling time at a glance.

Upon review you are embarrassingly correct, which leads to the question “Why does it sound like such ass?”

Yeesh, that 488 GTB that follows a few seconds behind it sounds awfully bland.

The F1 coverage here has always more or less been garbage, to purloin their verbiage, but this is a wholly different level of dumb, lazy, bad, clickbaity crap.

If there were ever proof of the axiom that “if it exists, Formula 1 fans will complain about it”, this is it. They’ve literally done exactly what people have asked in simplifying the presentation of the tires, and of course we have to be upset about the behind the scenes nomenclature now.

Most “local” brewery sours are a really hit or miss proposition, generally defaulting to miss. If a local brewery has a sour or two on the menu in a sea of, well, other beer, it’s almost always best left alone. Wild fermentation is hard enough on a small scale; add in inexperience and an attempt at some meaningful