Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

Replacing the starter on my Alfa Milano was among the worst jobs I’ve done on a car. It looks rather innocuous, but there’s a bolthead that is sandwiched and hidden between the starter and the engine block itself; you cannot see the bolthead and it requires a 5+ inch extension to reach from the front of the starter

I’ve never seen it referred to as anything other than NPB, JPL is new to me to.

Small, simple request: can someone match the levels of the background music with the native audio? Having my ears blown out because your music playing during b-roll is 3 times louder than David’s speech is a little unpleasant.

There’s no reason not to do it other than every trade made in the markets ultimately is taxed but with far less friction than a transaction tax employs. Unrestricted normal capital flows are important even in a socialist democracy.

Oh please do define “Wall Street Speculation” for me. Bernie did, and it was literally just levying a tax on every trade made in the markets, which is entirely distinct from the attempts the Basel frameworks make to identify speculation.

I think these things are the epitome of classic, understated design, so I’m going to ignore that owning one would cost the same as a college education and scream NICE PRICE at the top of my lungs.

That’s a fair point, but again to crash-testing regulations and general practically, I’m not sure it would have made much sense to make it RR other than dogged determination to remain faithful to the original(s). Have to imagine the crumple zones and chassis dynamics are a several factors easier to develop MR versus

Be that as it may, not a single one of those things was ever going to be on the table in the current automotive climate. The lack of a manual gearbox is a reasonable complaint.

Dear god are these buzzfeed style videos with dumb commentary text overlays going to become a thing with car videos now too?

It doesn’t have to be so, Patrick.

At the same time, there’s questions over whether this even counts as income, he added.

It clearly wasn’t a clean move (that goes without saying), but I’m not sure I’d call it an asshole move. Albuquerque opened the door more than a full car width and Taylor went for it under braking at which point Albuquerque slammed it shut with Taylor’s nose at the 1/3 mark on the car. It’s tough to put any fault on

It didn’t go anywhere, it just looks different than the current populist view of manufacturing wants it to, i.e. it’s not labor-driven, something even China is quickly having to come to terms.

Uh, I did? It obviously wasn’t Jason’s focus, but a single sentence of “the lady or the orange guy” isn’t particularly descriptive, especially given the ubiquity of opposition to the TPP, something that’s being lost as we’re more removed from election season and more focused on Trump.

I think it bears mentioning that there was plenty of bipartisan opposition to the TPP being thrown around during the election season, to the point that former Secretary Clinton had to walk back her staunch support of the TPP while she was SoS to a position of complete opposition.

I’m not familiar with non-profit orgs under EU laws, but in the US non-profits are absolutely allowed to achieve profits; the kicker is that they’re not allowed to distribute those profits as they have no ownership. Any profits (or positive cash flows, to be more precise) that are generated in most non-profits in the

Continuing to hold that minority equity interest in the commercial rights entity of a series the FIA regulates would represent a far more egregious conflict of interest than approving the sale does.

This smells awfully fishy given how much personal information he gave away in the process that could link him back to this AMA. Someone knows exactly who has direct access to all of this information and has hands on experience with the mules; revealing that you’re a Ranger owner and a coworker with an ‘02 F150 may

Bad faith breaches are absolutely a thing and exactly how one would assert the “spirit” of the Consent Decree is being breached. It may not be living document in that it’s not subject to change, but it’s absolutely a living document in that it’s subject to the bad faith acts of the parties to it.