Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

No, but a full weight Hellcat will add almost 900 pounds to this car's race weight. You could remove the entire interior, including the driver's seat, and you'd still be up 500 pounds on a full-weight 2015 Mustang.

At the outset, we need to refine the nomenclature of F1 – Formula One is not a sport, it is a business. To be a sport it would need to be wholly owned by a business or parent company that existed purely, or at least in the most part to act in the interests of the sport itself and the teams themselves. That is not the

It's an easy drive (or a very cheap flight; $132 round trip last February DFW/DEN) to ski the Rockies, and Western US/Canada skiing > skiing in the northeast.

And then move somewhere else.

This reeks of Gamergate: a lot of noise from journalists and media types without their audience ever really latching on to give a shit, regardless of what's right or wrong here.

That is precisely why I think CVC could begin to reconsider Bernie's utility moving forward. He's there right now because he was the only person who had the power to bring the commercial rights to CVC and for several years now has provided them with comfortable profits.

No, he does not. He's gotten his and that doesn't change regardless of what happens to F1, CVC, or the impending IPO. At this point he has nothing but short-term incentives, which works against almost everyone in the equation who isn't named Bernie Ecclestone.

"Unlike manufacturer-owned teams, our core business is Formula One."


It wouldn't be the Ring Brothers if they were doing something hellaciously tacky.

Dear Ringbrothers,

Solid pick, Hardibro!

Clumsy indeed!

I will never forget watching that when it first aired here on SPEED's (or was it still Speedvision then?) WRC coverage. Absolutely blew my mind, and was hook from there on in.

Why is the photographer shooting one handed?

The DFV was literally in F1 the season that immediately proceeded the fictional 1966 season covered in Grand Prix (and non-DFV Cosworth variants the two seasons immediately preceding '66); if his point is that the DFV ruined the soul of F1, then it must stand that the demarcating line between soulful F1 and souless F1

Most expensive motorcycle the wooooooorrrrrrld. /clarkson

Seriously. Wouldn't NASCAR be better if it were like this? I mean, this thing is essentially what a NASCAR is underneath, anyway.

That's what suburban garages are for.

I'm as in love with the golden-era of Formula 1 as anyone, and there is something just purely spectacular about all of the different engines on the grid, but it didn't always make for particularly good racing and, more importantly, it's the nature of development of anything, corporate entity involvement or not.