Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

There's no denying material realities about anything: I've done it before.

6/12 WAS AN INSIDE JOB!!!!11!1!1!1JUAN111!!!1JUANJUAN!1!!!!

It's a very clever move on Musk's part, and one that upends the idea behind patents in the auto industry. And if it does spur more electric car production by other automakers, that could help Tesla tremendously. After all, they're gonna need to get their batteries from somewhere.

That's not quite (read: even close) to how casualty claim reimbursement works for tax purposes.

Those are some serious hours these mythical people are working if they can't find 15 minutes in their day to exercise, because I know there are at least 15 minutes to be found in each day of a 90 hour work week.

It seemed like a good chunk of the casting was done because "well, because..."

A. Zero surprise that Dan Neil is clueless as to why the show didn't succeed, whether expressing that surprised genuinely or as some weird form of feigned humility.

Just the other a day I saw a bunch of intelligent, well-regarded journalists — including a vet of one of the most notoriously bad attempts — looking at a show that aired on SPEED wondering why the hell no one watched it.

My comment was made tongue in cheek, but in defense of the sliver of truth nestled somewhere in there:

This is why the rest of the country continues to make jokes at Detroit's expense: crushing pension burden? Meh. 60 fucking goats? ON IT.

Seems fairly "damned if you do, damned if you don't."

Because the first Horizon was a real beacon of accuracy and realism and all.

Oh what the fuck, man?

2. This is the second major Porsche production issue (see flaming cars) as they go from being a small producer of cars to a mass volume luxury sports brand.

Like it or not, sometimes, you need a van. Especially if you expect groupies like Chairman Kaga:

Just following your lead.

Jalopnik: dear fucking lord, please stop writing about financial topics, even if they do relate to the auto industry. When your writers aren't getting the basic concepts wrong (not pointing fingers at this article, specifically), your readership base is making me want to crawl into a hole.

It's a measure of cash flow uncertainty based on knowable knowledge. Your assessment is specious at best, but most likely pulled out of an ass.

Being a sane adult who may not be lacking in reading comprehension but who is certainly lacking in subject matter knowledge doesn't preclude his assessment from being accurate, despite your distaste for the form.

They're not taxed at that entity level. Those profits flow through to its members, where it is absolutely without equivocation taxed.