Bob Loblaw Made Me Make a Phoney Phone Call to Edward Rooney

I'm happy to step in in an interim role, if needed.

FWD MiTos and Giuliettas are fine if it brings me RWD 4Cs, Spiders, Giulias, and other RWD Alfa goodness.

I thought it was fairly simple as well. Some members of the proletariat really struggle with other peoples' business, I guess.

I don't know, it's fun? It looks cool? Other people enjoy seeing performance cars actually get used? Perhaps not everything is a manifestation of your preoccupation with other peoples' wealth?

They've gone to pretty great lengths to protect their anonymity if this is all about showing off to buy attention and fanboys.

CFRP doesn't hold up to heat particularly well, but your point stands. It's tough to know what did what, and we may never have more than a couple of competing possibilities.

Probably about a 50 mph impact here:

Just realized that my wording was a bit odd there and made it sound like an indictment of no one putting it out. I'll rephrase that to say "fire that couldn't be put out" as that was what I was going for.

CFRP monocoque designed to separate in a crash + fire that wasn't put out = wreckage potentially looking far worse than a different car crashed at that speed.

Goddamned internet and its inability to properly translate sarcasm. I thought that might have been where you were going with it, but I guessed wrong.

Colloquialisms are generally rooted in the modification of words/phrases for the sake of linguistic simplicity or regional preference; "anyways" is rooted in a mistake that's been made one million times over by children of the 90s. It provides neither simplicity nor a measure of preference.

Methinks they're generally one in the same, especially for TMS. Aside from that, "the decision was made" doesn't make it right. Colloquialisms are fine in the Gawker world given that they try to pitch themselves as a weird straddling of journalism/blogism, but "anyways" isn't a colloquialism, it's just a word that

Why obey any rules or standards of grammar if we're just going to say that affectations of colloquialisms overrule precedent? "Anyways" isn't a made up word or an intentional manipulation of a word like "bro" or "shizz", it's a mistake that has been colloquialized by repetition.


"Vehicles should be treated like other customer products."

That guy is so full of fuck.

True, but I'll call that both an anomaly and different circumstance: there's a competitive advantage to be had with the EV. At best, no matter your argument, you pour all of this money and development and resources into the rotary to make it equivalent to the piston engine. There's no ROI there.

Have to love the commentariat acting like these guys drove this way because they're rich, as if their amateur asses would drive any less ridiculously; it's what any competitive amateur would do, regardless of their income.

Fuckin' preach, brother.