Brad Conners

Thought provoking, and very well written. That last line is chilling (see what I did there?).

In lieu of having felt that fear, might I suggest empathy? Works for me.

If you don’t like hip-hop, you can get to steppin’, also.

Posted this elsewhere, but thought I’d just drop it off in the main.

Do yourself a favor and dig Run the Jewels/Run the Jewels 2 Both available as free downloads form the website. Sick shit. El-P ain’t nothin to fuck with either, as is a lot of the stuff on Def Jux.


Wait, there’s no way you mean Rick “Santorum” Santorum, right?

I would watch the shit out of this.

This is most brash, patronizing, condescending piece of shit I’ve ever seen on CBS, and that’s saying something. I hope they work CBS for all it’s fucking worth; take the money and run, folks.

Sure, yeah. That’s an idea and that could be legislation. I think that you could make a case that there is a failure to do proper parenting and allowing this stuff to happen, is there an opportunity for a month to take away your food stamps?

This guy is like a living South Park parody of an idiot reactionary conservative. Maybe they can give them UAs to see if they’ve been protesting? I heard from Don Lemon there’s obviously marijuana everywhere; if they were protesting, they’d at least catch a contact high.

You’re joking, and do you want to how I know? Because

“I thought this was America?!?”

Wait a minute, are you suggesting the police are using brute force and violence to support otherwise untenably militaristic law enforcement tactics?

This man is a genius; as of course are you for pursuing this venture.

Can the Modern Man ever hope to Have it All?!?

The officer will use the same maneuver on a 110lb woman as a 300lb man

It shouldn't matter; the police are supposed to be trained to descalate these kinds of situations. Even *if* she was swinging on him, he could (and should) have taken her into custody, not send her to the hospital.

If you’re in a high stress job where you’re dealing with violent people on a regular basis, you need to know how to keep your temper and subdue people as peacefully and non-violently as possible.

Can someone [you] please shut up so we can talk about systemic racism and violence without being derailed by pointless semantics?