Brad Conners

*mic drop*

He’s a comedian!

Also, Subway restaurants (and that’s a generous tern) smell like feet; as do their sandwiches.

And also, they found his semen on his wife’s quilt, so I’d be careful saying “no physical evidence.”

You caught me; I just wanted a woman to be raped! I’ve been outed!

You’re right and I don’t disagree, I was more trying to bring up some very recent legal loopholes re: spousal rape and how fucked up they were than trying to comment on the validity of the verdict, or the trial. I’d err on the side of caution too.

your hope that woman had been raped

It absolutely is a rapist waiting to happen, and it’s the most dangerous kind, too; the kind that doesn’t even realize how fucked up their behavior is. Thanks for the info, too. :D

It’s been suggested.

Right? I’m paraphrasing here, but a dude I know once said to me, “I can’t wait until I’m married; I’ll never have to worry about sex again!”

I was just being difficult, but thanks for the informative response! :D

I know, it’s a joke. Rather in poor taste, granted; but I’ve actually heard (multiple) men express that it’s not possible to rape your spouse.

Perfect picture for this post.

Nah, you’re right; exoneration is the wrong word. Acquitted would be a better choice.

Was he exonerated on the “it can’t be rape, we are married” statute?

The video has since been taken down.

I long suspected it, but now I know:

people are basically terrible, cowardly, and selfish.

Don’t condescend to me, dickbag.

You’re an idiot. Feel free to continue dismissing arguments you can’t answer, you small minded douchbag.