All hail Warden Ward for banishing Baddison. Good grief, that character was a huge mistake.
All hail Warden Ward for banishing Baddison. Good grief, that character was a huge mistake.
More like Retch-Up amirite?
I dont really mean to defend SNL (I dont watch it often) but really I dont know what you expect them to do.
Thinking people wouldnt vote for trump is how america got into this problem in the first place.
Whatever happened to the first amendment?
Using ableist expletive doesn’t really help make your point here.
Ok yeah but was it a great pretender or what
God fucking damnit it’s one of those “intentionally bad” by people who made unintentionally bad films thinking that they can relive the same experience and fame.
Soooo, can someone on staff please post a list of the shows that are receiving regular coverage this season? And/or please point me to it if it already exists.
Love Chelsea Peretti, but you could see how the show occasionally struggled to write for her after season two. So, while I’m sad she’s gone, I don’t think the show will suffer from her absence. If anything, it can only be helped by any guest appearances she has in the future.
I agree. I, in fact, say that in my review. Offhand, my favorite superhero movies are the first X-Men, X-Men: First Class, Nolan’s Batman movies, Batman Returns, Spider-Man 2... I have a lot of faith in the ability of non-MCU superhero movies to be good.
The entire controversy around this shit-ass show is a manufactured marketing gimmick. No one gave a rat’s ass about Allen or his politics before the show was cancelled; it was cancelled because it wasn’t hitting the right demographics and (due to expiring contractual agreements) becoming too expensive to keep around.…
This shit again? Stop trying to make Dril happen. It’s never going to happen.
It was probably worth it to hear all the silly “SO MUCH FOR THE TOLERANT LEFT” takes where breaking a star is too much but calling all immigrants animals and taking away LGBTQ rights is fine.
Street-Legal suffered from being recorded in a building with walls in concrete at a rushed pace which didn’t allow the mics to be set up properly. The original producer re-mixed it with digital tools in 1999, which is why the current common version sounds better, as some stuff was previously buried under too much…
Street Legal is underrated I think. yea the production is often of its time with the backing choir but I like it and like you its something I go back to more than a lot of “classic” dylan albums”
def … all they needed to do was have her float out the window