
But the advertisers pay them off a certain demographic. If you are outside that it's much smaller. why would they keep a show that is not making them money?

You mean trying to find a show that brings them in money from a specific demographic? Yeah, terrible.

Never read the follow-up book?

Except it counts. Personal bias does not change that fact.

Other M.

Prime was a Pack-in title for a while. I wonder if those numbers reflect that.

It was cancelled.

No Tomrrow, Frequency, vampire Diaries AND Reign.

"Plus it's Lynch, so at his worst he's still better than 99% of everything."

Oh. So that's why the finale made little sense.

Actually Season 2 will be it's last. So…yeah, it kinda did.

But again, any show that takes place not in this decade is considered a Mad Men clone? That's just silly.

Not sure how that is a Mad Men knock-off. Are we just going to say any show that is not taking place in the current decade is a knock-off?

Hence why she is wearing a wig

Yeah, sad but true. CBS might just keep The Odd Couple around even though it doesn't even have 2 "full seasons" worth of episodes.

"Syndication" on cable TV isn't as popular as streaming. Most of those networks that used to buy those shows either have developed their own currently running or bought into previous ones. Seems weird as "re-runs" are not as popular thanks to streaming.

It also gets an extra 2. Its network owned.

Fun Fact - CBS has not had an "owned" sitcom go into syndication since Becker. BECKER. The Odd Couple is now their longest running owned sitcom (just passing The Millers which CBS canceled abruptly)

Elementary hit 96 episodes after last season and "100 episodes" hasn't been a thing in a decade. Shows can and have been syndicated with 70ish episodes - even 88 is a thing of the past.

Hi grandpa.