
Only good thing about Previously.TV is the comments section.

Looks like Zap2It (now screener) is taking over TwoP.

one season? More like 13 episodes..

And then NBC still scheduled him to be on Leno, so there he was, promoting a show which was already canceled. Hilarious interview.

It didn't last a full season. it was canceled after episode 3 and the remaining episodes aired in the Summer.

It was canceled after 3 episodes and was meant to be a show with multiple seasons, not a "limited" show.

13 episodes…only 3 of which aired in season the rest dumped into the Summer

Or a Note 7 which may or may not explode.

True fact. The Apple Watch saves lives.

You think iPhones have "hard drive"s in them?

and Mr Robot loses to a show in its Sixth season and doesn't even chart on the top 100 cable.

The show that outrates Mr Robot every week. That show.

Flaked? i never saw any announcement it was renewed besides a report assuming it was back in May.

Not owned by NBC and nearly got canceled over a 3 episode pick-up squabble.

Except it didn't.

let be honest - its a hell of a lot better then the Yahoo season.

and yet we are getting a second season of Supergirl.

No one knows. We all just torrented the episodes.

Watch Parenthood. He's really not THAT bad.

Last it got a 1.2 on CBS.