
But clicks and comments!

Ok, mr Lynch.

Scandal is usually a full season unless the star decides to get pregnant.

It could not be any more dead before it even aired.

Her last two shows were rating disasters (The Catch, Still Star-Crossed), and Scanal and How to Get away are both dropping.

They are in an episode of MickeyRoadsters.

First episode aired in late may. It was already a dead show walking on Fox.

The last few episodes of Boston Public eventually aired in syndication a year or two after it was pulled. IIRC, they skipped an episode or two and the "last episode" was really the penultimate one.

Every show is like Seinfeld and Cheers!!!!

So no need to ever cancel a show because some great comedies take time.

Except for 2 of those seasons (House) she was pretty much a guest star appearing in 2-4 episodes.

So get Community on DVD and STFU?

So whats the point?

Hulu is commercial free for $12. As os HBO Go. Netflix.

Right. The "i want it and I want it now and free" generation.

or pay $4 more per month for no ads

Renewed for another season AFTER the Writers strike ended.

and even more, Reaper got renewed for a second season during the Writers strike season. It had 4 less episodes. So no, not a casualty AT ALL.

also, they even tried selling the show into first run syndication and was pretty close but no one bit (at the time there was only one or two other shows in first run syndication…The Seeker?)

No it wasn't.