Sales of the A4 allroad were strong enough to justify certifying the A6 allroad here, from that point getting the RS6 certified here was easier, since the RS6 drivetrain is already to be used here in two models that were definitely coming stateside.
Sales of the A4 allroad were strong enough to justify certifying the A6 allroad here, from that point getting the RS6 certified here was easier, since the RS6 drivetrain is already to be used here in two models that were definitely coming stateside.
It’s likely a rip from one of the original game discs, rather than the original audio files. It would be like using audio from the Blu-ray of a film rather than the original masters. A lot harder to do any necessary edits or changes.
Its probably down sampled in the game and they can’t use that in a HD remake.
Will we get a remaster of these?
I definitely struggle to earn in short rides with traffic but if the conditions are a little better I do fine, certainly not helped by the bad mpg!
Hey it’s Corbin! I would pay a decent premium to Lyft with Corbin in a CTS-V. I’d prefer the Trolls Royce if I could choose, but I’m sure the average person would rather ride in the Caddy.
Hot take: Australia V8 Supercars is what NASCAR always should have been.
Man, I love people who self-own through being hilariously inept. You know, pumpkin thieves, thin-skinned vulture capitalist owners of blog sites, those kinds of folks.
Fun aside. Swindon also supplies the engines for more than half of the British Touring Car field.
I gotta think these would be huge in the rock crawler community. 100% torque from 0 rpm, ultra-fine control of wheel speed, and you could roll it over without having to worry about fluids going where they’re not supposed to... Just set it back on its wheels and go, like it’s a giant RC car.
Going from V12 to 12V? Now that’s a switcheroo.
Electric motor HP feels very different from gas engine HP. They make full torque from zero RPM, and peak torque/HP happens at a lower RPM than it does with a gas engine, so the same amount of actual torque delivered over the entire rev range gives you a much lower horsepower reading.
The problem with letting these things slide or be taken with a grain of salt, is that these keyboard warriors are also closeted, and sometimes not closeted, bigots and misogynists and racists, etc. Speaking about this subject regularly may seem repetitious, and may annoy the people who aren’t assholes and don’t treat…
How about women in the automotive industry who get this treatment in real life? This stuff is not confined to keyboard warriors and trolls on the internet. I am a woman in automotive sales (Internet sales manager at a dealership). The following happen to me on a near-daily basis:
“Also, I’m your average straight white guy, and I feel like I get a TON of hatred and vitriol online on a pretty regular basis”
If you’re that sensitive about how people online treat you, a straight white male - you wouldn’t last 30 seconds being literally any other gender, race or sexual orientation in literally any real world or internet situation without having a full-on mental breakdown.
I haven’t had the chance to listen to the podcast, but as a female who comments quite a bit on here, thank you for writing this and agreeing to discuss it on the podcast. This needs to be said, having a penis, or identifying as male doesn’t mean you know jack about cars, or at least not more than any woman. Leave…
One of the many reasons I frequent Jalopnik is the multitude of writers that post regularly, many of whom are female. I think it’s one of the site’s best features, frankly. It sucks that you have to deal with this kind of behavior, but I applaud all of you for continuing to do your work despite it.