
This seems disingenuous and like a last ditch effort of a dying company to stay relevant and progressive. Like, “see we gave you your transgender. So there!” Also, adding another borderline anorexic model isn’t going to help their image much, even if she is transgender. They still refuse to extend their sizes. They

Her philosophy should be the same as anyone who had Moviepass last year (like myself)-get what you can, take full advantage, make no commitments, and ride that ship until it stops paying.

if shooting people in video games leads to mass shootings, *why are we still making it so easy for them to buy guns then???*

Yup video games. Definitely not tweets and current nationalist rally rhetoric... These people are just ridiculous. Take responsibility complicit dolts.

Seriously, does Trump think republicans of voting age DON’T play video games? Does he think this is 1992??? Even my grandparents play video games. (Scrabble online, but still!)

Doom AND Mortal Kombat are out this year! We just need Duke Nukem and it'll be muh childhood all over again.

In Wolfenstein you shoot Nazis, so not that one.

Seems legit. I killed my family once in The Sims.

I knew 90's nostalgia was real.

The old standby for Cons. VIDEO GAMES! of course and not the president who called more than half the country the enemy of the state.

Ivanka, this is why Samantha called you a feckless cunt. When you have the power to do something, and instead choose to remain complicit, and then pretend to care, you just might be a feckless cunt.

The wrong people die.

Are you inferring many Ferrari owners have NO taste??? How dare you sir! How dare you!

I am 100% on board if it pisses Ferrari off. Someone needs to TP their headquarters or something.

The face of the Ferrari Brand Manager when youths misbehave

Between this and the Deadmau Purrari thing, it makes me wish I was rich just so I could buy a Ferrari and troll their delicate sensibilities.

A white supremacist with yellow fever. He’s clearly had an Asian fetish for a long time. I’m guessing he found a nice Filipino mail order bride and moved to the Philippines to avoid having to interact with annoying white women who want to have things like opinions and rights.

He should be fed to his pigs.

“I am obviously not a white supremacist. I go for days without seeing another white face,” he told me. “I put up with racial problems similar to that of colored people in the 1960s, the black people of the 1970s, the African Americans of the 1980s, the people of color of the 1990s, and I am not sure what the