A black market version... police are planning action... hilarious.
A black market version... police are planning action... hilarious.
Last week, I went to a store, bought a box of eggs, went outside, tossed them on the ground one by one and shouted “Minecraft, motherfucker!”.
Laugh all you want but everyone knows every crime ever committed was a re-enactment of some video game.
Your whole post just reeks of Shmagorganism - what a vitarriging Barglebroke...
Dude, you BADLY need to get out more.
The saddest part is that there was an actual point about the overreaction to video games as a medium and the double standard they face due to their relatively young existence and interactivity.
Here’s a fun fact, nobody who you’d call a “SJW”, otherwise known as “having some basic form of empathy for other people”, is actually insulted by that word. This is because making up a word to insult someone with doesn’t work because only the person who’s saying the insult would actually be insulted by that word.…
Yeah at least back then we were banded against a common enemy. Then the assholes started attacking women and minorities for having the audacity to want to have representation in video games.
Is it weird that I look back on those days with an odd nostalgia?
Does anyone remember when Jack Thompson did something along the same lines...?
“There is no reset button on real life situations police face.”
This is so accurate. It’s almost pathetic how accurate this explanation is.
But then you realize you thought they were someone else and bolt for the car?
I know. I love it. I love him. I want to tell him, “hey, good work, buddy!”
As a male person who has sex with female persons, this spoke to me the most as an explanation. Not that the rest are wrong, but... this feels spot-on.
Having done this TO multiple men because it’s funny, I have no other insight to offer. Greeting someone as if you’ve just spotted them in a department store, immediately after coitus, is hilarious.
Deadspin, a sports blog that I’ve only read once. Unfortunately, I forgot that no one at that site has ever had sex before, so none of them knew what I was talking about.