
The typical breakdown of lyrics, melody, music and arrangement percentages in the writer’s share of a song. Publishing and Writing make up 100% of the song but are still separate entities (50% writers and 50% publishing.) I was speaking solely from the writer’s share. I didn’t look up the publishing info but I

“we” are nothing. I have an opinion.


Taylor wrote a single chorus that gets repeated whereas he wrote the music, melody, did the arrangements, and produced the track. He’s got at least 80% ownership of the song but the public will try to make it out like she wrote the whole thing because they don’t know how writing and publishing work in the music

I love how he seamlessly oscillates between throwing straight daggers and giving her genuine-seeming compliments. It’s a sort of valid pettiness that I strive for.

Completely hate myself for caring this much about this situation but I find it all fascinating. I admit I’m a fan of TS but everything in her life seems so orchestrated and calculated. I remember when she started hanging out with Haim and she was posting pic after pic with them, only to announce later they were

I just became convinced that her relationship with Calvin Harris may have been the only genuine one of her life (thus far). Obviously, he wasn’t forced into an NDA agreement; I’m sure TayTay is regretting that now.

I gave TSwift a lot of leeway up to now. Harris has handled the breakup very well, IMO, and she just cannot seem to act human about any of it. And the Hiddleston stuff is almost getting creepy. #TeamCalvin

In related news, I just became a Calvin Harris fan.

At the time it was modest, but to come out about it now is clearly to make it seem like he wasn’t giving her credit at the time (and he’s implying that wasn’t the case)

Seriously tho, the whole Hiddleswift affair has somehow redeemed this douche nozzle a bit.

YEEEESSSSS CALVIN. She’s my arch nemesis so I’m all about this.

After careful consideration, and hour long (coughthreesecondscough) deliberation, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that I’m all:

Shouldn’t it have been in French as well?

He successfully pissed off two countries.

I don’t think he’s their buddy, guy.

If the Earth were round, Giancarlo Stanton’s dingers would go straight into outer space. Think about it, you guys.