
Anti lock brakes. Complain about speed sensors and government intervention all you want. But when you need them, they come through. I have zero doubt that quite a number of people reading this comment avoided death or injury at least once because of ABS.

All the other cars in this lot are like: “I really hope senpai will notice me!”

Of course!

You should see my columns about CarMax!

Yeah. Shame, right?

Actually, that sounds like the kind of interaction that I’d like to have with a dealership. If they couldn’t care less about the car, if I get it serviced (on the off chance that I will need to), I won’t have to worry about someone revving up the engine and joyriding.

I own an rx7... As a daily driver. I find it personally insane to spend this much on an unreliable 100.000 miles car just because it’s stock.

You are basically buying a 17,000$ shell.

I mean, wasn't that tone basically the entire premise of Sex and the City?

No. If you’re a lady who legitimately does just want hookups, it is amazing how quickly half those dudes turn emotional on you, get clingy, want to be jealous of the other guys you’re fucking and can’t handle it. It’s the mere fact that you are the one saying committment isn’t allowed that suddenly makes them do

We’ve had one of these “men of NYC are jaded and spoilt and always want more” stories, every 10 years, since the 80s run of asshole banker/finance types and the culture of “More is better”.

Seriously- this pretty much only brought to mind the articles a few months (years?) back talking about how Wall Street has an abnormally high number of sociopaths. This is sociopath shit. It’s natural and human to care about people, particularly people you fuck. Not all the time, obviously, but out of 100 girls per

Seriously! That last guy, with the “why do they keep sending pussy pics?” Uh, dude, probably because you asked. And specifically went out looking for the type of girl that would send a pussy pic pre-last-names.

What kind of terrible/unsexy person is thinking about his bros when sleeping with a girl? Who fucking compares notes like this? I have a sleazy guy friend that would probably get along with these guys, but he never talks about the girls he fucks- he just fucks them, and (I assume) enjoys it.

I think this guy is just a mega-asshole. Sure there are men like this but none so unapologetic about it. It reminds me of a conversation I had with a dude who said he was a feminist. He was talking about how he had dated Republican women even though he was really liberal because he just wanted to have sex with them. I

brb, my eyeballs seemed to have rolled straight out of my head. Need to go find them now.

“Guys view everything as a competition,” he elaborates with his deep, reassuring voice. “Who’s slept with the best, hottest girls?”

Is this the normal for anyone?