I’m not sure any Pontiac can qualify as a “comeback” car.
I’m not sure any Pontiac can qualify as a “comeback” car.
I agree, I’ve seen enough examples of willful blindness with respect to infidelity that this is plausible.
I don’t put too much stock in spilling those kinds of beans...I was in a crazy situation once where a guy lied to both me and his wife(!); his wife took his ass back. I swear that she suffered from Stockholm syndrome.
I disagree— you can’t make stuff like this up. It’s too ridiculous.
When I confronted him today, he admitted that he’s engaged.
The really stupid thing is you can block specific people from seeing specific photos on FB. The arrogance here is INSANE.
As someone who has been cheated on and been in a LDR, that would ABSOLUTELY be my reaction. But it sounds like she realizes she and her ex were fundamentally incompatible, based on their backgrounds and where they live. Maybe she already knew for a long time that it would never work, but neither of them had the guts…
Call me drastic but isn’t the normal response to this situation to want to chop his dick off? Or at least Carrie Underwood style personal property destruction? I’m not saying you would/should act on those feelings but as someone that has been blindsided by a long distance cheater I can speak from experience that my…
I KNOW. Glamorous graduate school life? They’re also going to need some footage of me eating ramen in a shithole studio apartment, and, like, renewing my glamorous bus pass.
Of course, he ALREADY has a story ready for his wife about “this crazy ex who won’t let go”.
Yeah, once he “admitted” to “being engaged”, all his other lies must have been obvious. And I say this as someone who has been gaslighted, myself. I was willing to cut her some slack, given the extensive scenario he was so readily able to spill out to her. Right up until then.
Hire a fucking skywriter. Rent a Goddamned billboard.
I go to reddit/relationships on occasion because I’m a terrible person, and there are a surprising number of stories like this. As in, “I’ve had 20 people tell me he’s having an affair, I saw pictures of him proposing to another woman, and I physically walked in on him having sex - is he cheating on me?”
That is almost the weirdest part! It all starts because she sees wedding photos and by the end he has somehow convinced her he’s only engaged? HOW? I think we’ve found the most gullible woman on the planet AND the one hell of a sociopath.
If I think about all the time we spend IMing and calling and skyping, he couldn’t possibly also be married, right?
I’d contact his wife... She kind of deserves to know that he’s been cheating on her, at least emotionally, with this other woman. Just what the FUCK.
He told me that it was from a video that his university is making for new students to show how glamorous graduate school life can be
Oh, hell no. He doesn’t deserve happiness. You AIR THIS SHIT OUT to the wife’s family by any means necessary, as quickly as possible. Annulments are easier than divorces.