Brace and Break

She shouldn’t have to apologize for getting work. I say this as a darker skinned Black man, we need to stop acting like this. Really. Stop thinking that we’re the only manifestation of Black. We aren’t.

I wonder if she ever considered turning those roles down in the first place”

Instead of apologizing for “taking roles” from darker-skinned actress, I wonder if she ever considered turning those roles down in the first place and suggesting one of her equally qualified, darker-skinned peers take her place instead.

You’re not going to change 150 years of Hollywood in one year or one decade.

Also consider that any SCOTUS nominee that Biden offers is more qualified to do the jobs of the aforementioned senators in this article. I’m just sayin.

I’m not sure why we are giving press to their tantrums. Who cares what they think? We all know we’ll be passing this nominee with 51 votes, if we’re lucky, and every R will decline. Why do we keep thinking Lucy won’t pull the football this time? Behave as though all Republicans are unprincipled trash, because they are.

Susan Collins can open her stupid mouth, stick both feet in and just shut the hell up forever.  God knows why she decided to hitch her wagon to a party that actively works to undermine her rights.  With Roe being challenged, who knows when women’s right to vote will be back on the docket for reconsideration.

Got any other races available for that reply complaint about a “black woman only,” Teddy-Bore?

On the list of things that are an insult to black women, I tend to think telling them how to feel is at or near the top of the list.

Nah. Presidents routinely announce they’re looking for Justices with X-gender/race/religious characteristic. It is nothing new. To think if Biden just hadn’t said anything, that the GOP wouldn’t start screaming these bad-faith takes from the rooftops is absurd. It’s this Mainstream Media trap to believe that if Dems

Bottom line: If you agree with any of these knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers, then you’re essentially saying no black woman has ever been qualified, and that is racism writ large.

I think the most important thing here (nominally at least) is that whomever is picked be qualified. The thing is that all the women who have been discussed as being on the short list are extremely qualified—in fact, they’re basically all superstars. The fact alone that deck is so stacked against Black women in the

I’m not a legal expert, but it occurs to me that - like a jury - a supreme court (state or federal) made up of multiple members should be demographically reflective of the area’s populace. Simple as that.

Cruz is angry that no blobfish made the shortlist.

Collins is such a piece of lobster shit. She said this was politicizing the court, as if her dumbass didn’t do that already with the two recent turd burglars they sent to the court.

Obviously, we need to stick with the tried and true method of only selecting Supreme Court justices from the pool of ~13,000 Yale Law School alumni or ~38,000 Harvard Law School alumni. Instead of limiting us to the 6% of the US population Ted Cruz is concerned with, we can keep on pulling from the same well-connected

These racist morons are showing their whole ass! Can we please kick it into oblivion?

Here’s my buy in: I learned early in life that I have a shellfish allergy (crawlers: crabs, lobster, shrimp, crayfish NOT byvalves: scallops, mussels, oysters, clams). Growing up (& still residing) in MARYLAND, that shit is like a curse from God. So do you know what I do? I stay my Black ass out of seafood

And none of that applies to the parents’ responsibility for their child’s health. We are not talking about refusal of service here, we’re talking about parents’ and patients’ CHOICES.

woah. Brace and Break is giving very sound advice. I don’t have any allergies personally, but this is basically the best and safest way my niece has protected herself from food prep errors (that happen all the time with no ill-intent, not to mention cross-contamination).  She’s figured that out after years of trying