Brace and Break

I agree to a point. Anyone who was paying attention knew he was messing with young Black girls. But I don’t think many of us thought he was locking women in rooms for days on end, making them pee in buckets, and worse. I knew Kelly was bad but watching Surviving R Kelly I saw he was an actual monster. 

Wow. I’m not into Depp or Heard but this post is really irresponsible. Isn’t Heard buddies with noted perv James Franco? She also dated Elon Musk so is she anti-Semitic and racist now? While I 100% believe Manson is as guilty as they come, we know that serial predators like Manson and R Kelly are terrifyingly good at

She does. No lies detected. 

Huh? Saying abortion is murder would be more understandable than comparing it to a genocide. How many genocides are committed by one person (in abortions case the one person is the pregnant person who no longer wishes to be pregnant)? Comparing really anything to the Holocaust is disingenuous.

Dude let it gooooooooooooooooooo. I cannot wait to never hear about this again. 

Would you believe you can make fun of Trump without mentioning his appearance? Try it sometime! Expand your little black book of insults. Look: Trump is a dumb ass. 🤯

So it’s ok because she’s rich? There are lots of things you can say about the Smiths that have zero to do with their appearance. 

Woooooooooooow. Ok incel. Name 5 famous bald men. Now name 5 famous bald women. You know it’s different. You’re just mad nobody wants to fuck you. 

It’s one thing to discuss makeup or outfit choices, but the reason many people with conditions like alopecia are sensitive about their appearance is because people make fun or call attention to it. It’s so embarrassing! You can be as open and “proud” of your condition as you are able but one flip comment or “joke” can

If you’re a man I really don’t think you can compare being bald to a woman being bald. And to do so is disingenuous. 

I kinda get what you’re saying, but also what are you saying? If you don’t want someone to make a comment about your appearance then don’t leave the house? Why can’t a woman just exist? 

Fuck outta here. Then the Oscars had better strip awards from ALL THE ASSHOLES. 

It’s the first paragraph of the Washington Post article.

So this cop is driving in the opposite direction as Gordon and can somehow tell this man is speeding? Give me a fucking break. Anyone would have called bullshit on that. Cop was racially profiling because he saw a Black man driving. 

I’m sure they’re getting paid. Also with all of this coverage they somehow glossed right over the creepy branding thing.

They’re actually saying that the FBI report isn’t a true representation for many reasons.

It’s funny because you really think white people would count for only 55% of hate crimes. Are you one of those don’t see color types? Or maybe you think that talking about race is what divides us? I’m just curious as to what you think the racial breakdown of hate crime perpetrators is percentage wise.

I seriously can’t thank you enough for this. I am not in NY but even I heard about the Black man punching the Asian woman over 100 times. Oddly enough heard nary a word about the white man. What’s also strange is that the murder of Christina Yuna Lee was used to push the narrative even though her murder was tragically

If you would have read the article with the link posted you would find that the statistic is specifically about the AAPI community. But it’s deeply comical to me that you think only 55% of all hate crimes are committed by white people. You’re way under.

Not all?