Brace and Break

What’s with that “If you read the texts…”? Do you think I didn’t read the 4 texts of that exchange?! 

Notice he doesn’t say he’s in bed with Kim. He says YOUR WIFE. That’s so disrespectful to Kim. He’s clearly using that to get a rise out of him after he initiated the interaction. It’s gross and unnecessary. 

Whoa, I was originally going to reply to this jokingly and I read it again. What an immature, ugly comment. There are children involved here. Look inside yourself and try to gain some compassion. Yowza.

Either way, the world wins. 

Pete could have stood up for himself without using Kim as a crutch. This is sick and if you think Pete it right to do this that’s gross. 

I’m actually fine with how I look, thanks. 

The lengths people will go to on a supposedly feminist website. To prop up a man using sexual relations with a woman to taunt her unstable ex as opposed to just staying the fuck out of it is sooooooo on brand for Jezebel. 

I also see that this Dirt Bag didn’t really go into how that picture came to be. He texted it to Kanye saying he was in bed with Kim. Who is this helping? I know everyone likes to shit on Kanye for good reason, but again…..who does this help? 

Doesn’t make him texting Kanye at all right. 

Not the move, Pete. Not the move. 

I’d always imagined breastfeeding as a divine act.”

I mean sorta? It’s easier to be idealistic when your vote isn’t going to change things one way or the other.

Seriously. War obviously effects the masses, so would you rather hurt them with sanctions or bombs? 

From the Akron Beacon Jourmal:

They greys have gotten soooooooooo disgusting that I’m on the cusp of just not visiting this site anymore. 

I understand what I’m saying. You’re using straw man arguments like a teenager or Fox News host. I dated someone with Celiac Disease and we rarely ate out. Not my choice but my partner was not into the risk and I agreed it wasn’t worth it. So because of that we just sat at home together staring at the walls and never

Yeah that’s not what I said. Don’t go out to eat is EXACTLY what I said. I never said don’t experience life. You did. I also said if you want to eat, go for it but know that it’s a gamble. Such outrage over a very avoidable situation. It’s annoying that you, unhinged person on the internet, just wants to argue with

With all due respect we 100% should hold others accountable when their friends and family say off the wall shit. Why? Because silence is co-signing it. This isn’t just an opinion on which fast food chain has the best burger. Conversely if someone’s husband said something super racist I would 100% stop talking to both

Also serious question, how does that make me “selfish”? More smoothies for me? 

Hello unhinged person on the internet. Hope things are well.