Brace and Break

Are we really not going to talk about how the assistant coach who is son of the head coach was drunk driving and almost killing a child?

My heart breaks for this child. This mom sounds like a piece of work. I hope they win the lawsuit and the money somehow gets put into some kind of account that the mother can’t get ahold of to line her own pockets. This girl needs so much support and I truly hope she gets it. 

Nig, that exact same Tweet is in this article. Did you not read the article or do you think I didn’t read it?

So getting kids back in school isn’t helping everyday people? Raising the minimum wage isn’t helping everyday people? You’re missing a lot more good stuff because it’s easy and fun to shout about a short check. 

Stephen, first I’d like to apologize. My tone was much too harsh. You are one of my favorite writers on this site and this pandemic has put me on edge. It’s no excuse, but a request for understanding.

I can’t even stop making the jerking off motion. Is this really the hill you want to die on? Even if Biden said $2000 and instead changed it up to $1400 that’s still far and away better than anything Republicans have brought to the table. At all. And hasn’t he mentioned other plans in the works like recurring stimulus

I totally agree and have been saying this for weeks now. Strategically this is a terrible move for Republicans , as is moving to acquit Trump so he can come back in 4 years (unless he’s dead or in jail) and completely fracture the vote. But they’re White, upper class Americans who tend to confuse blind luck for

Every time I read something about a football player going berserk I have to wonder how big of a role the sport itself played into it. Multiple head injuries plus rewarded aggression is just a recipe for disaster, as we’ve seen countless times. I just don’t understand this country’s love of this awful game that is so

I’m not going lie, that was a helluva shot. Too bad he’s on the wrong side. 

I’m almost positive I read that this is not the fire extinguisher that caused the one officer’s death. We still need to find that fucker. Lock them all up! 

White privilege is a helluva drug. 

She wasn’t too exhausted to plan and attend an elaborate birthday party on a private fucking island during a pandemic. 

I don’t know if anyone will see this because I’ve been in the grays for so long now, but I have to ask....

Elizabeth Warren had magnetic bumper “stickers”. 

And his wonder drug comes from ABORTED FETUS TISSUE!! That’s right! Your Catholic single issue voter grandparents can go fuck themselves now if they vote for him.

9 PM is not too late to go out, but it’s too late to make plans. 

How are we screwed if Biden wins? 

Then you know (at least) two total idiots. 

Get. A. Life. Please. Your mother didn’t go through all that labor so that you can be an internet troll.

If he’s walking he’s not tackled, idiot. Are you telling me 2 men can’t hold down one man? He’s not the Rock! Must  have been Negro strength.