Brace and Break

You are so pathetic. 

I’m sorry. Maybe I’m in a bad mood (in fact I know I am), but what even is this about? I don’t understand how, as a Black woman, you can’t be completely excited about her nomination. I am a Black millennial who cried actual tears (!) when I voted for Obama in 2009 because I never thought I would see a viable, Black

Kate Moss has spoken about Depp in the past though. From Vanity Fair:

To me, getting the mask because it “looked cool” is worse because it just showcases your ignorance and complete lack of awareness. It’s an excuse that someone can use in high school or maybe even college. Harden is all of 30 years old, which is officially old enough to know better. I haven’t thought much of Harden


Given the officers last name and the police department’s history he probably hit her because she called him Black. 

I knew you couldn’t resist me, baby.

Dude you crack me up!

The CACKLE I let out after I read that. Girl, nobody asked you. Go raise some bail money for your gross ass man. 

Subjects with excited delirium often do not respond to verbal redirection. Additionally, attempts at physical control may not be as effective given extreme levels of strength and resistance to painful stimuli. Ongoing physical struggle can worsen a subject’s innate fight-or-flight system, which can raise a patient’s

I love how the police always claim Black people reach for their guns. I guess if cops didn’t carry guns it wouldn’t be a problem then. 🙃

This times a million. 

I dunno. At a certain point doing things like this seem more about White feelings than Black ones. Those episodes were created years ago. They have existed for years. They will continue to exist. The die has been cast. There are no take backs. So instead of looking back why not move forward? Have an honest discussion

So just don’t let her in! Why arrest her?! Cops are ass.

You mean a nice car they can use to get to work, take their children to school, go get groceries, go to doctor appointments? Yes! Let’s compare a nice car to a horse because they’re totally the same thing.

Try harder, try hard. I’m saying that this particular person was not impoverished not that no white people are poor. It’s insulting to anyone who is or has been in poverty. Like, actually infuriating. Tara Reade’s life has been drenched in privilege. She got to act as an “expert witness” without one person checking

Poverty?! She was in poverty?!?! This is some White nonsense. I’ll see myself out. 

Your dad was stupid enough not to pull out, so....

As another commenter pointed out, there’s no way to watch it on your TV; It has to be watched on a mobile device. So it seems like Quibi was designed to be used primarily by commuters, which would also explain why episodes are so short. When I’m at home I’m not really trying to watch anything on my phone because I

No they really don’t. Once again in most states it is illegal to use deadly force to protect property. It can only be used if your life is in danger. Castle Doctrines are for your HOME and still have certain criteria on when it’s acceptable to use. It’s hilarious how people so fucking hell bent on “law and order” know