Brace and Break

I’d like to think of myself as an all around “tough guy”, thank you very much!


We’ve tried being peaceful and what has it gotten us? When polite and persistent requests go ignored this is what happens. This ain’t a riot, it’s a revolution. 

Thank you for the white tone policing. Didn’t know I wasn’t following correct protocol with my slightly jokey post. Maybe you should let it go? Keep up the good work!

I didn’t come to Al Gore’s internet to make friends.

Don’t presume to know what I am and am not familiar with, fuckwad. We aren’t talking about infant adoption here. The child was about 2 when he fell in with these monsters. And please tell me how much easier it is to go to China, deal with visas, pay the cost and deal with the headaches of international travel, etc.

Lori Laughlin’s children should also be in jail. 

I read about this last night and I was literally dizzy with rage. In the article I read, it discussed how the couple were SPECIFICALLY looking for a child from either Asia or Africa. Like, WHY?! Tons of black and brown children in this country for you to exploit but you felt the need to go international because of the

Oh stop it. Now you’re just being ridiculous. Maybe you’ve never been poor but I sure as cuss have lived out of my car before. If I had a horse but not enough money to pay rent do you really think I’d keep the fucking horse, which costs between $200 - $300 a month to keep and maintain? No truly poor person would have

Right. Most of the poor people I know own horses. 

Lol, what? Hiding your car from the repo man is an actual crime! That’s probably why the lawyer former landlord of hers wouldn’t do it. 

You clearly didn’t read the article. 

This blog.

Blah blah blah blah blah. 

I know what your point was. I’m pretty sure I addressed it correctly. In summation: fuck off, troll. 

And your point? Omitting “bad words” from songs is something 12 year olds can handle. She didn’t do it in the comfort of her own home or in her car during a drive, she did it while recording herself. So I guess she doesn’t have the capacity of a middle schooler to realize you can’t say certain things whenever you

Reade claimed she was struggling to find a lawyer, another claim I highly doubt, because of “politics”. And now this big time lawyer is working FOR FREE out of the kindness of his heart, but not politics.

Are you sure about that? Seriously I was under the impression from what I’ve read that the people she names as having complained specifically said she did not. 

She’s kept other things for the same amount of time, like the records of her employment with the Senator. Also people she specifically named as people she’s told flat out say she never did. 

While Democrats are out in this pandemic doing work where is she?