
You’ll be all right. There are plans underway to double the cost of electricity on the grid. Once that is done, the electric car, which has never been economically sound compared to the internal combustion engine, will be even more than today a dream toy for the 1%. The 99% will be struggling just to afford to heat

Maybe at one time, like 2008 through 2015, but before or after that, it’s pretty much “anything goes”.

Is this about vaping or is it about personal rights, responsibilities and liberty? Do they only defend individual freedoms on issues that are clearly unimportant just to soften you up?

By the year 2024, any mention of a candidate on the internet within six months of the election was considered an in kind contribution and had to be reported as such under the expanded net neutrality regulations. The cost of one’s entire network, machines, ISP access, facilities, would have to be included in the value,

Be very careful. All digital messages will be available to the robot hive mind after the revolution. You don’t want to be singled out as a potential trouble maker.

That’s how I feel about election years, really.

I think it was the Reverend Jim Ignatowski who said something like, “Getting old is weird. I can’t believe all the money I wasted on drugs to get this way when when I was younger, not knowing it would be free later on.”

I see.
But those measures are all considered “reasonable gun control” by those who believe in a benevolent government. I can only imagine that they have never lived under a king or any other benevolent authoritarian and look upon such heroes as Stalin, Mao, Castro, Che and Hitler as misunderstood early adopters of the

You have seen humanity.

It’s early yet.

Nothing ever really changes.

In adulation or ovine loyalty?

That will never happen. But it wouldn’t be unlikely to tax them so that only the wealthy have access to them. I mean, really, wouldn’t you be all in favor of an annual firearms tax for gun owners to offset the harm to society from the availability of weapons?

“Ahh... the sweet kiss of hot lead. How I have missed you.”

I’m guessing about ten points for it.

I’m seeing a lot of that. I’m assuming there is an ALLCAPS.EXE that people are downloading and running without being aware of it, and that it just capitalizes random words when you are on the internet by means of a Browser Helper Object.

You didn’t?

It looks like, “takes care of animals” seems to be the operative phrase.

Government supervisors are never fired.

An in-depth study of internet facts actually shows that it is people who cannot tell the difference between a gun and a penis who are responsible for almost all accidental shootings.