
But at the same time, there's a VB patch on the Australian National cricket squad's jumper. Alcohol might be a better analogy than tobacco, because it's age-restricted — but more associated with vice than with an overt health concern.

Because they BOUGHT out developers and their IPs? That's why I wouldn't have those games without EA? Do you understand how corporate groups and subsidiaries work?

The "few ties" remaining basically amounts to direct food assistance to avoid another famine scenario. In case you didn't get the message 6 MILLION people or so starved to death there in the 1990s.

It's not that I'm not interested in being informed — it's just that taking a smug tone is the best way to spur "people in the know" to back up their opinions with some facts and the reasoning behind their conclusions.

Right. So they own all the boobs now? They've erected barriers to entry to prevent anyone else from selling pictures of boobs? Or what? I think you need to break out your old economics textbooks and have a re-read of the sections on competition, monopolistic behavior and efficient markets, dudebro.

Do you have one? I have an ipad2, and I've never been happy with the resolution. Will I upgrade? Probably not — but this is definitely a feature I've wanted since day 1.

The new screen is amazing. Are you telling me you don't want to see higher resolution displays on laptops and TVs? You don't think that the world's biggest computer company pushing for a higher standard of resolution in gaming and video won't make that happen faster and ultimately cheaper?

But "frog" or "yank" or "pomm" or "limey" or "canuck" aren't? "Nip" has always struck me as being more offensive, but I have no idea why.

Why do you think it was a misguided fear? You realize that at one point we only had one aircraft carrier left in the Pacific right — and that all the others had been sunk?

So, she personally campaigned to end segregated water fountains and bathrooms? (Assuming she was stateside after the war)

Um, I'm pretty sure that the "orient" is still OK when you're talking about the vast geographic area that it encompasses — especially if you're referencing eastern products or methods as opposed to their occidental counterparts. But yeah, "the east" or "asia" are probably more readily understood and less likely to

Well, more than being "sent by [his] country to go kill people" — they attacked the US Navy first. That must have been a hard event to go through and then forgive.

Wrong. You clearly never played anything that came out prior to that release. It changed everything.

I actually found DA2 to be rather difficult, and not in a good way. I made my Hawke as a fighter without having heard that fighters had been relegated to absorbing damage rather than dealing DPS.

Thank goodness you're here to tell us how the other posters think and feel. Not that I disagree with your assessment of the probabilities, but would it kill you to qualify your statements with some "some people believe"-styled watering down?

It was a joke. I cannot believe that neither of you has ever encountered the expression "pics or it didn't happen."

Right — but I think it's hardly fair to say that "action/rpgs made them more money." You have to be a bit more nuanced with the sales figures.

It's not that anyone wants to ban video games — the supreme court has pretty much made that an irrelevant consideration. Games are protected speech, as they should be.

Dude. He looks like he's having the best and most satisfying BM ever experienced by a mortal man. Or a bunny, whatever.

This comment should not excite me sexually. I feel dirty and cheap. And —strangely — in the mood for a pink-frosted doughnut with heaps of pastel sprinkles.