

Everyone is getting so overdramatic. My life didn’t really change much at all between 9/11, Bush, Obama, and now Trump.

So the commissioner of a sports league should comment on political matters? I don’t think that is his job. If the players want to speak out, protest, that’s fine, but why would the commissioner take sides, it doesn’t make any sense. His job is to maximize the profitability of the league. There is no benefit to

Sure, but honestly, major pipeline spills are few and far between. Every kind of infrastructure/transportation project involves some type of risk, this one doesn’t seem excessive.

Why should he answer questions about Trump? How does it benefit him?

Why should he do anything? Whether or not he voted for Trump doesn’t have anything to do with the Super Bowl.

Back then Americans had common sense.

No, I’m good.

Somehow I doubt he was shot by white people.

At least the taxpayers saved some money, I’m sure there will be a go fund me to pay for his final expenses.

How horrifying, wanting to keep our country clear of foreigners. A simple study of history would show that the majority of multiethnic nations are a disaster unless they are ruled by a dictatorship, such as the Russian or Austrian empires/Yugoslavia. Multiculturalism is a failed concept.

No one cares about HUD. At least anyone who has any common sense.

She shouldn’t have reproduced?

Neither HUD nor Labor are important, don’t even know why they exist. Secretary of State, Defense, EPA, Interior, attorney general, that’s all you need. Everything else is just a waste.

It is a worthless agency, why is the federal government in the housing business? It is absurd.

Pretty much any other battle, I could care less about HUD, probably the most worthless federal agency.

Why, what the hell does HUD actually do other than waste money?

Unless he has Celiac disease, he’s just a moron.

I have to think that income inequality is just the natural order of things. Honestly, most people just aren’t that smart and so don’t have much monetary value, especially with increased automation.

It is truly a shame that Napoleon didn’t beat the Russians and defeat the allies. The world would actually be a much better place if Imperial France had won.