


OMG, some kids made a dumb video.

I’m so devoted to the cause I took off all week and went on vacation.

Cause he’s not stupid.

Should have put it in a 40 for the brothers in the hood.

Dindu got justice.

I like the EPA, but the Department of Education, HUD, just a waste of resources. Not a role for the federal government.

Maybe Trump will pardon them.

Muh dickin d’baha

Shit, I’d be uncomfortable sitting next to the “missing link” also.

I wish Hitler had won.

Morals are dumb. Kill or be killed, survival of the fittest.

This pretty much explains everything:

Homo vs. muslim, lol, hopefully they kill each other.

Either way it is gross.

So is Blanco a man or a woman?

Eugenics is common sense, it is a shame that it has been stigmatized. We should strive to improve the quality of the human race, and not continue to allow inferior or defective specimens to reproduce, after all, no one thinks twice about doing this with other animals, such as dogs, cattle, etc.

I am a whitey, so I am happy!