
Police and Social workers are both government employees,aren’t they? Seems like they would be on the same page.

LOL, hadn’t heard about their reinstate slavery policy. I could use some help around the house though.

Eh, its actually pretty great.

Southeastern Europe has been fighting back Muslim hordes for 500 years. Not surprising they don’t exactly want to just open the door now and be overrun.

I don’t think they should kill the homeless, just sterilize them along with welfare/WIC recipients.

Hmm, we won WWII and crushed our enemies, so I guess we should intern all the Muslims and repeat history?

Whitey is kicking ass!

They did, he went to jail for awhile.

Not a Mayweather fan, but 60 days seems about right for that, he didn’t kill anyone. And you can hold your own kids against their will, that’s kind of what all parents do.

That is because Women get all butthurt and so need to find an excuse to their friends as to why they are not just a slut.

Uh, as a sports fan, I don’t care if the players on the team I am rooting for are criminals, as long as they stay out of jail or suspension, that is the only thing that matters.

“Sacred land” is a pretty loose definition. With Section 106 NHPA regulations, its a miracle any infrastructure project actually gets built.

Too bad there is no such thing. Might makes right is the way of the world.

Well that’s because they can’t just open their front door and watch another gangbanger get shot half a dozen times.

Uh, I think they were. They weren’t getting high on crack and having loads of welfare babies anyway. I think most of the men even had jobs.

That would be awesome

Nope, I’m a straight white male so I’m good.

Correct spelling “Shithole landlocked country that I don’t care about” I agree we shouldn’t be fighting Isis or any other crazy Muslims. Let the Sunnis and Shiites kill each other, and the Israelis too, I really don’t care about the poor civilians, and could give a damn about Aleppo. Once we stop relying on oil, the

Electoral college be raycess.

What would you suggest we do about it? Send U.S. troops to fight and die in a foreign land that has minimal U.S. interests? Neither side is good, just let them go at it.