This is on Jalopnik because?
This is on Jalopnik because?
3.) Nissan Homy Super Long
He's entitled to his opinion, but his opinion is wrong.
Steering ratios are custom-tuned for the tracks they're racing on. In the case of the Rolex 24, because of the high-speed bank, the ratio is relaxed so that the car won't have a "twitchy" behavior under speed. That large amount of steering wheel play actually helps the driver keep the car in line once they get on the…
Always a huge fan of that car. It's great looking. I'm pretty sure JFK Jr. drove one.
Here's my 912 exhaust just got swapped to a Sebring unit. Sounds great.
Find a nearby bucket of ice water and throw it in your face.
100 percent totally disagree with number one. The X6M is insanely cool. It's so terrible and so great at the same time.
sigh If only they still used it.
Love the embarrassed laugh from the NSX-R driver at about 5:10, after he loses two places in about 15 seconds.
Oh Bloody hell.
No exceptions to number one. Period.