so if someone sneezes in Detroit, we gotta read about it too
Seriouysly, you need to STOP with this proGay stuff on Gawker. Not everyone is a fan of homosexuality. You do not need to post your personal opinions on a car blog. Noone wins when you do this. It's the reason I stopped going on Deadspin, and now I'm double thinking of going on here.
I was fortunate enough to visit the private BMW Group Classic museum that is by invitation only. Who invited me you may ask? A Mr. Hans Stück. I am however unable to upload any of the pics but Google might have some. It was far better than the public museum.
Spirit of Daytona had a feed, and that's a Pratt & Miller Corvette ;)
Daytona 24 Hours doesn't make NASCAR worried...
Here you go.. my vid fo ju
Here's a video I took of it yesterday while at work
eBay ya dingus :b…
Oh man the new Jalopnik front page is ssssooooooo terrible!!!! It is so confusing and so unorganized!! I can't stand it! I might have to take a break from this site until they change it!!!