
I applaud your bravery in saying you’re a fan of Man of Steel out loud. That took guts.

I think I would have liked the dynamic between Fassbender and Rapace, but I’m sure the studio believes it can make more money with a bigger star and with a story that puts more distance between the somewhat silly and weak Prometheus. I like Noomi a lot and would love to see her given a second chance with a more

When I take my family to a public sacrifice to appease the cruel god of the void, I really hate it when an acolyte of Ner’huul makes an extra flourish with his bone knife or, and gosh this is THE WORST, when the High Priest makes a big show of eating the heart of the spring virgin. It’s like, act like you’ve BEEN

Thanks for underlining my point, hack.

The thing is, you don’t even do any research, and you consider yourself an expert on everything. You just post links to other articles you found on Google. That’s not journalism, it’s barely even writing.

Just looked at the definition of ‘click-bait’ in the web-dictionary and it had been updated with link to this article.

This is the biggest bunch of nonsensical, fear-mongering, psuedo-journalistic crap I’ve had to endure all week. Bravo hipster. Bravo.

Don’t do _____ ever again because these [insert bad things] could happen. These articles write themselves.

Wow you're the first to not like this. This Arrow was awesome and I loved the crossover. I thought it was fresh and fun and leads in to a great mid season finale for Arrow next week. I don't get why you think this wasn't good. It showed Ollie growing as a super hero from a vigilante who used to kill. The show

So you're saying that this movie isn't 100% accurate? I'm shocked that a movie where Apes talk and wield heavy weapons would take some liberties with facts.

Cloverfield is considered good now? I really liked it, but from what I remember of the general response to it, isn't that a bit revisionist?

DoFP was awesome

He's just remembering that time he let his dad die for no reason in that super.slow.moving. tornado.

Maybe you're in fact happier than I, I wish that I lived the sort of life where I had nothing better to worry about than the fact that other people are trying to be nice to someone I've never met. How dare people do something so self serving as giving to others. By far the biggest invasion of a person's privacy that I

Have you ever read one of Will's reviews before? He uses 90% of his words to harp on what he didn't like about a film, even films he admits he actually likes.

Perhaps somebody should Spice them up?

Yeah, putting R2-D2 into a background shot that barely anyone noticed really proves that.

Your first sentence is wrong, wrong, wrong. Hot Fuzz is easily one of my favorite movies of all time and I much prefer it to Shaun of the Dead. It's a great riff on the typical buddy cop movie and the ending shoot-out is lots of fun. I'd rant more but I have to try and beat traffic....