
Yes it is pretend-primative. He’s just pretending to be primative. Good work gumshoe

Cause she has skin? I don't get it

Fuck this article. Counter point. Cruises are good especially if you don't have children and know how to swim

No it's not

Maybe he just likes great seats and likes the Marlins? No that can't be it

He didn't curse at anyone or about anyone, he just quoted. If it was musical would that be better or worse?

That's a valid question

Just tried each of these and they are all inferior to the standard new tab default :(

If he would have used profanity they would have stopped the BS. This is a perfect situation for righteous use of profanity.

is that because he believes the flopping or is he just a pussy

Your comment miserably backfired, just take the lumps and don't keep coming back for more. You sound like a crazy person.

Terrific piece. I learned something today, thanks.

I've never felt this empty after watching anything before.

Beck knows his shit

I suggest people watch it and give them no other info and 100% of the time they come back a week later going "watched two minutes. Garbage. Do you really like that?"

Hey Tim, Awesome show! Great job!

Truth to power, right? It's brave souls like this guy, who want to arm the country to prevent the healthcare from killing us, before the Korean invasion (or something). God, you're the worst.

This is the all time most useless deadspin post, if that's what you were going for you nailed it.

We all know you adore Ebert but wouldn't linking to TVtropes "Idiot Ball" be more internet-y than Ebert's "Idiot Plot?"

So you're sure we've got it figured out and that no one will ever change our fundamental understanding of the universe. We know everything and there is nothing we don't know. Thing we say are impossible are impossible.