Cletus Van Damme

Garak was clearly gay or bisexual at the beginning of DS9 until the studio pushed back. Dax also kissed a woman (her former husband). There was also that TNG episode where the androgynous person fell for Riker, which was taboo in that society (and a pretty overt parallel to homosexuality). So while it would definitely

God, I love Avery Brooks so much.

Buy my book! Buy my book!

I love how that image has the completely unnecessary accent on the e. That would be pronounced roy al nay.

#8 Antoni Gaudi

Awesome. The Critic is criminally underrated. Probably because everyone hates Jon Lovitz.

Clearly the best Runt.

Nostalgia and marketing. None of these movies hold up (excluding 7, as I haven’t seen it).

I think it’s hard to watch Wild at Heart or Raising Arizona and come to the conclusion that Nicolas Cage is a poor actor. He’s just perfectly happy to take on any hack project to finance his castle problem.

It’s all true. The swing motions are not super similar.

Lists like this one that present prices in nominal, non-inflation adjusted terms drive me insane. I mean, what’s the point!? That’s not valuable information.

I like this article and this theory. I dislike the contention that the most recent book was great.

Sorry to hear that, but if you want more than sex and videogames and he doesn’t, you’re kind of out of luck and would probably benefit from moving on. Continuing to see him isn’t going to make it any easier to find someone with whom you can have something more.

There are plenty of people in this world who would be delighted to receive an actually used console (as opposed to a new one that has been thoughtfully updated). You and so many other people on this thread sound astonishingly entitled. I certainly wouldn’t be throwing down hundreds of dollars to buy you such a nice

You certainly sound like an ingrate.

I live in East Asia (not Japan, but I’ve traveled all around), and I find the treatment and thought processes regarding women extremely fucked up. They’re all pretty traditional societies and have no problem trying to keep women in the kitchen.

The fact that you have access to the original (and frankly gross) version makes it pretty clear that it isn’t censorship. Learn what words mean.

I would argue that your comment is super skeevy.

I can deal up to the point that we start talking about “famous victories”.

A lot more. China doesn’t estimate deaths. They do a running count as bodies are discovered.