Cletus Van Damme

Nah, the future is already here! The Apple Watch can unreliably track your heart rate right now. You’ll never need surgery again.

I don’t know. $1 is significantly more than I’d pay for the rights to watch Knicks games.

I don’t know. $1 is significantly more than I’d pay for the rights to watch Knicks games.

I find the Asian character part to be nowhere near as wretched as comic sans (but still fairly bad!). The Roman font on the other hand is every bit as terrible.

Intel does a decent amount of manufacturing in China, but they most certainly do not manufacture most of their chips there. They produce those primarily in the US and Ireland (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_s…).

I’m currently playing Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, which I’ve long considered my favorite game in the series, and you could not be more right about the UI. I don’t mind the dated graphics at all, really, and the setting is still the best out of the five games, but man, why am I clicking so much? And why did they make

I guess there is something to be said for catering to the most pathetic market you can find.

You really dodged a bullet there. Starbucks corporate is a dumpster fire. I speak from experience.

Well, given how tolerant they’ve been of clowns like Stephen A. Smith, I think they’ll be fine. If you’re a company man, ESPN has you covered.

Weaver & Juzwiak forever. They’re the crown jewel of the Gawker Media empire.

Or hit Windows key+x and you’ll get a handy contextual menu that has Task Manager and a bunch of other handy power user things.

Nintendo are masters of screwing up everything other than the actual making of games. At least they still nail that most of the time.

I don’t think there are going to be many apologists for sending in bomb threats. I think GamerGate is about as dumb as it gets, but acting like a bag of dicks is not an appropriate response to anything.

The energy output blows my mind. I can barely manage to give enough of a shit to be with one person. Multiple people? You can’t be serious.

I laughed my ass off when I saw that “age difference”.

Come on, Baltimore. We all know that cases go from red to green to black.

While I agree with you in theory, I don’t think this holds up as a good example. The plane is surely being operated by military pilots and staffed with his usual serving people. And as someone who has flown Air China several times, the nicest thing I can think to say about it is “At least it’s not China Eastern.”

I find it extremely curious that the plane has an Air China logo on it. It’s a government owned airline (sorta, it’s publicly listed these days), but still seems a bit strange for the president to be flying on a branded plane.

I’m sorry, but nothing can possibly be worse than sticky icky.

“The researchers reckon . . .” I like this. It makes them sound more folksy.