
Unfortunately I don't think it'll matter in the court of public opinion. At least not to republicans/evangelicals/fundies/morons etc. . We all saw the debate, the people going after PP don't care about the truth, they never did. These people think rights only belong to white Christians & everyone else is dead to

Because stop reading an article at the first lines and then criticizing its entirty, is such characterstic trait among intelligent people.

If enough of us like this comment, it comes true. It comes true, people.

Maybe, just maybe, when you’re white, you get so sick of people talking about diversity just for the sake of diversity, that you finally just say “Nah”.

Sure, special preference should only be based on who your daddy knows or went to school with.The idea that success is based on merit is such a fucking myth.

Oh, that’s just the nanny.

I know nothing about the show (European here) so please tell me if I am wrong (because I really want to be). Is the only person of colour ALSO the only woman? In which case it really tells something about their idea of diversity; “ok guys, we need one POC, one female, let’s just make that the same person, check, much

Just to make it clear, the woman is always at fault, except for this scenario-

It’s a logic sort of on par with “Because in certain situations Banks will let you have money, robbing a bank is essentially just disagreeing on the repayment terms of a loan”.

But when you agree to meet a strange man in a strange place for the purpose of having strange sex for money, you are putting yourself at risk for harm.

Man, this would make me really angry if I were in Chicago and wrapping fish two days from now.

Really sick of editors consistently choosing to elevate women that endorse sexist opinions, minorities with racist opinions, etc while silencing other minority voices for being “controversial.” It’s the media equivalent of claiming to have one black friend.

Haha, no I wasn’t doing that for spelling, I don’t think focused/focussed is the right word for the reasons I laid out. The focus of gender inequality should be on women’s issues, as this campaign points out. But yeah, the biggest issues for me personally are the more toxic apects of masculinity in society(books upon

TLDR Capitalism =/= Misandry

I would love, love, love to have someone set up a few fake, pop-up nightclubs with only men allowed entry..but for free! Or maybe allowing both genders, but men get in free.

God, women get raped at a disproportionately higher rate than men and its like, what about us? why is no one raping us? Am I not rapeable?!?!

WOW. just WOW. These are some pretty tech save 13 year old boys.

Is this just mantasy?

Is this the real life?