Yeah, but something something “Jussie Smollett is Chicago’s greatest criminal concern” something something.
Yeah, but something something “Jussie Smollett is Chicago’s greatest criminal concern” something something.
Here’s to that last breath!
My dream is a world without rapists and harassers
I’m beyond tired of these companies using our trauma for free publicity.
The problem is the reverse of the names. She’s presented by her past name first and primarily, with her actual name presented as an aside.
No, it is not. It isn’t difficult to rephrase that sentence in an appropriate way that identifies Chelsea by her literal name but acknowledges that she went by something different at the time.
And then he linked to her entire rant, which showed it was perfectly in context. Think the NY Post could do that? Wouldn’t work.
For one, they pushed back by giving the correct quotes in full context.
I respect and admire these young women in Congress that are not afraid to speak the truth and are courageously confronting the cowardly fascism that is infecting our country.
What rhetoric? Are you fucking kidding? She’s pointing out basic objective facts and people are threatening to kill her. Who the fuck ungreyed you?
Well, I’m sure Nancy Pelosi will rush to condemn these hateful statements about someone’s loyalty to America being questioned because of their religion...right? Right?
I feel as if this quote can be trotted out for every article related to Fox News, but once more for the people in back:
Funny how Fox and Friends wants to say “IS SHE REALLY AN AMERICAN!?” in this statement, but there have been dozens of GOP folks saying “I’m a Christian first!” or “I stand with Israel alongside the USA!” and no one is questioning their loyalties.
Someone on Twitter called her David Duke’s maid and that’s how I’m referring to her from now on.
So if you are “heirs to the confederacy” does that mean you are heirs to losers? Like you are preserving the legacy of their loss by continuing to be losers?
I currently live in Japan teaching English.
Stormi is such a cute li'l booger.
So... is Eric going to live in the bell-tower?
I am not describing it that way based on population size.
He is also fucking illiterate, but he’s supposed to have a high-level job with a bunch of responsibility? Sounds about white.