Desperate for a Shag Giles

Who would have thought that a mediocre real estate developer would be able to successfully create and implement any meaning policies....

This is bullshit. One of the first things you learn in sociology 101 is that a “family” isn’t necessarily biological.

Fingerprinting and photographing children I can understand.  DNA testing is a big nope in my book.

It’s Baylor, so probably the school’s shitty administration. 

Do you really think a women’s college sports team has any sort of leverage here?

Oh, and BTW, the woman was shot to death, here. Like, spare me the socio-politico hot-takes for a moment. He shot an innocent woman to death. Period.

I want to know how “I didn’t mean to” fits into her story that she thought he was an intruder and shot him because he didn’t follow commands.

She’s not going to be convicted of murder.   

Poor young man is moaning in pain, terror and feeling his life slipping away from him and all she can think about is her damn job and covering her ass.

Right, I know. Whenever I hear of child abuse and domestic violence my immediate thought is how can I protect the career of the abuser.

Taking a break from shoplifting without consequences ....

This is reprehensible and Ilhan Omar should apologize immediately.

They love that shit, though, right? Because he speaks to them in a way that is understandable, because their command of the English language is paltry at best.

Also if anyone needs another excuse to stay out of the greys there’s Endgame spoilers now. 

Be careful, some asshole in the greys is posting spoilers for endgame, and has some hidden code making the screen go crazy with characters leading to his post.

For all the conservatives bitching about how social media violates their free speech rights, here’s a genuine example of a 1st Amendment violation. Unsurprisingly, it’s crickets from the right wing peanut gallery.

A “coup” that was a “witchhunt” that “totally exonerated him” and we will stonewall any attempt to subpoena anyone to offer proof as such.

Thank you for, again, picking out a troll and escalating him to the top comment. 

Actually, you do get to remove whatever you want on your own private website that you own. 

Jay, this article is so wonderful. Thank you for filling my morning with laughter and joy. Always read you!