Desperate for a Shag Giles

Along with all of the armchair generals in the US calling this young Jewish Israeli woman an anti-Semite.

I look forward to all the hot takes from people who would never have the fortitude to actually go to jail for their beliefs. 

No, rather, I think in their giddiness to make an example out of yet another black celebrity, LEOs probably did a bunch of blatantly unlawful shit. Maybe tampering or fabricating of evidence, most certainly a gross trumping up of charges. Basically, the kind of shit that would usually work on Tyrone with the public

I don’t think they straight-up framed him, but it’s likely they did their usual illegal CPD bullshit during the investigation at some point. That’s what they do all the time. The way they are acting over this one, small, unimportant case is ridiculous. Now they are obviously targeting this man and want to get some

Me thinks Don jr. wants some AOC and is mad that she wants nothing to do with his white trash ass. I mean isn’t that what this is all about? The intelligent, hot chick that wants nothing to do with you, sees through your fake ass and so you make up shit about her? Fuck them all. White folks you got us into this you

Maybe also point out that a republican has won the popular vote once in the last 30 years.

Jason Momoa still gets dragged around here for playing a joke on Amber Heard that she seemed to have found funny, so don’t be too sure.

Billed for committing no crime?  Punished for having no charges against him?

Because he hasn’t been convicted of anything.

In the meantime, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel has said he plans to bill Smollett for the full cost of the investigation into his alleged assault, and the subsequent charges against him.”

I’m sure Rahm’s putting together another presser so he can hold back some fake tears and rant about how this makes a mockery of the justice system and is embarrassing for the city of Chicago.

Right wingers are so horny for this story. It’s weird. 

Yeah I mean we shoot up schools, mosques, churches and movie theaters all the time.

It’s called having their cake and eating it too...and calling you an “ingrate” if you don’t thank them for the crumbs they “graciously” allowed to drop your way...and calling you a “cheat” if you pool your meager resources to make a much better cake than the one they’ve been lording over you with.

Trump knows this is an easy win for him.

“Wait, a movie without a white lead!?! A black director asserting his ability to cast whoever the fuck he wants!? REVERSE RACISM PATROL, ASSEMBLE!”

The minute he said this I knew the proverbial shit would hit the fan. I mean Jordan didn’t even have to say this because we all know how white men react when any film, TV show, Broadway Play, off Broadway play, mini series, Romantic Comedy, porno or Instagram post doesn’t revolve around them or their shitty lives. Oh

This is because Trump’s base wants to watch him abuse a black guy. Colin Kaepernick has lost his sheen, and here’s a new one. Trump is swinging the DOJ around like a cudgel (or wants to pretend he is). Regardless of what you think about the outcome of the judge’s decision to drop charges, it is pretty easy to see why

It is an embarrassment to our Nation!