On the local news website someone replied to a comment saying “women who think like you are the reason men wrote the United States Constitution.”
On the local news website someone replied to a comment saying “women who think like you are the reason men wrote the United States Constitution.”
Just to add this as someone who works with DNA - urea is used in the forensic testing process to help keep DNA single stranded i.e. to help denature it.
Never heard a good reason why. They always say it’s just about tradition. Whatever.
I’ve seen 2 cars with things like InfoWars or Trump stickers (one was in my old neighborhood in the suburbs and the stickers were eventually remove hm). I see more “come and take it” flags and stickers than anything else but I guess we can make the assumption there.
Cock Blocking Cuck?
Honestly I still haven’t been able to watch Parts Unknown again. Makes me too sad.
I don’t doubt it. Then it makes you wonder who informed ICE.
It’s things like this that make me think “I hope I’m wrong and that there is a hell.” I will gladly accept being proven wrong.
They should certainly be tried for their crimes. For the whole fucking world to see. Hey, look, there’s even a city in Pennsylvania called Nuremberg. It’d be a nice callback.
I pray to God she’s not undocumented.
They think this is what they deserve. They’ve taken the kool-aid and believe these human beings are animals, varmints, invaders that need to be exterminated. And they will be.
Embarrassed and filled with rage myself. I don’t know what to do with it. These ICE agents are just walking crimes against humanity. I hope they, and this shithole country, get their comeuppance.
Ohh that’s what that exchange was. Makes more sense.
At the science march in Chicago couple years ago my shirt said “Hail Sagan” with a picture of a demonic Carl Sagan inside of a pentagram.
We would go all the time when I was a kid and it was my favorite store. Filled with joy remembering it. In fact, I just moved into a house and I’m sure I need something...
Lotta dudes on here desperately trying to rationalize a grown ass man having sex with underage teenagers. Interesting.
All this time I thought when they said illegal aliens they were talking about Mexican immigrants.
I love Red Wave. Republicans are terrible at coming up with good catch phrases. Try to co-opt ours and end up just reminding women that their Aunt Flo is coming. They’re laughable (in many other respects as well but this is just petty enough to keep me going).
My mother thinks I’m missing or dead if I don’t answer the phone. No really. Recently she had the rest of my family try to get in touch with me, one right after the other, because I missed her call.
If I were his wife I’d divorce his ass so fast. Obviously he doesn’t give two shits about her.