Desperate for a Shag Giles

How on earth did this assault happen in the fossil fuel state? It was so bright, what with the lights on.

there’s always the opportunity that gunman will be taken out before he has the opportunity to kill very many.”

I bet she’s even walking around naked under her clothes.

Someone has to keep their New Year’s resolution.

The news channel I am listening to is saying that the gunman is known to the people and that it was a family dispute.

And her uterus didn’t even fall out!

So as long a we’re handing out indictments for people who lied under oath about their Russian contacts.....Fudge Stripes anyone?


Woman’s got a new lease on life, DON’T DO IT!!!

Periods. Not just for women between the ages of 12 and 55.

I’m still waiting for them to revoke citizenship for those born in the US to non-citizens.

Someone works for the glasses lobby...

It made me feel better about my own crooked glasses.

Nephew would watch people play Minecraft. He didn’t actually play it himself, just watched others’ videos of it. I think he eventually started playing it but, shit’s weird.

Everyone knows you just need electricity to be safe.

If I was the woman from Teeth I’d have sex with both.

Some weird mobius strip dress.

He’s as good looking as she could imagine a man being in a daydream?

It’s better when you misread it as “making farts under covers”

What in the hell is with those unboxing videos. My nephew watches those constantly.