Desperate for a Shag Giles

Yep, they just think it’s stupid that women have that reaction.

Happened to my sister and me recently. Walking around in DC and two douches shouted something like hey ladies you’re looking nice tonight. We ignored them, kept walking, and they kept shouting only this time it was “stuck up cunts I see.”

Had this conversation with a man at work. An otherwise nice man just, like many, confused. He said telling a stranger on the street that she looked nice isn’t sexual in nature, just a compliment. When I asked if he would tell a man the same thing he said no yet couldn’t give me a reason as to why not. If it’s not

The explanation is easy:

Also never been to high school or college. Or just walking down the street.

Oh I know.... 

I was talking about the ridiculous take of the mag article (that given his lifestyle he feels he has to be careful now lest his actions be taken as sexual assault etc). I have no idea about Leo.

Oh absolutely agree.

this kind of casual transphobia is maybe the smallest problem we are facing today

Their explanation of it certainly points to it being vile, if there were doubts beforehand.

I have no idea how to take it. I do feel confident in saying that it was a) in really poor taste and b) definitely meant as a mean spirited joke about a trans woman in the “lighten up, political correctness, I’m sorry if I offended anyone” way. Feels to me more like they’re showing her playing dress up. It IS Texas

I will buy a physical newspaper and put that front page in the most gaudy god awful gilded frame.

I consider it a win in the latest bathroom bill state. After all, they’re saying Caitlyn is allowed to use the women’s restroom.

Come now. Do people really say “dontcha know” in earnest?

Perhaps the lady was disappointed.

And fresh out of the pool

Would have even preferred The Aviator or The Departed before Revenant.

And having a small penis.

Because that’s something women love to make up all the time, dontcha know. Especially when it involves someone famous with lots of money.

But when every single innocent little thing I do can be wildly misconstrued as assault, what else am I supposed to do but shut down any interaction with people at all??? How can I possibly know if my actions might be considered assault, what am I a mind reader? Consent is so tricky!