I don’t think anyone criticizing him here is saying that 1) “Africa” doesn’t need electricity or 2) well-lit areas can’t help with crime.
I don’t think anyone criticizing him here is saying that 1) “Africa” doesn’t need electricity or 2) well-lit areas can’t help with crime.
I prefer boudin. Split it open and spread it on crackers.
Yeah I get it. Some random stranger celeb asking if he can grab your boob or something might get a side eye. But honestly I’d thank him for at least asking even if I turned him down.
I’ve been bingeing Frasier so I guess it checks out.
I’m way way behind but enjoyed the first season immensely.
I hadn’t read that account and thought ‘oh shit’ but, yeah. Asking if it’s ok for some kind of physical/sexual contact is...the good thing to do, right? Not sure how that ranks him among the serial gropers (none of whom surprise me, btw).
And just now I saw that HOC is still the top promotion on the Netflix app home screen. Least for me. Not sure if it’s related to viewing history, but I’ve never watched it so...really Netflix?
Ah I remember the first time I was assaulted. It was during the great fossil fuel shortage of aught three.
And see I’m not religious, I never read the bible or went to church etc etc so when people trot out scripture I have no idea what they’re getting at. And I frankly don’t care. Not because I can’t understand the meaning of the words (most of the time anyway). But I guess it’s a way to hide behind or further prop up…
Ok ok he’s Mr. Bean if Mr. Bean talked. So eyebrows not necessary.
Who would do that? They think they sailed to fucking Epcot or something?
Wow I’m loving that two-tone beard he’s sporting.
Far as I’m concerned Mr. Bean and John Oliver are the same person.
Right, I was wondering how someone could possibly be upset that a story set in East Africa could have too many black people in it. But then I remembered who those people likely are.
Joshua says to the people of Israel: choose this day whom you are going to serve.
I wasn’t old enough to drive a car, so I thought maybe I wasn’t old enough to drive a woman.
I’m expecting a lot more to come out about the older generation of actors. Because “it was a different time” and all that bullshit.
He also slapped her.