
Counterpoint: You’re a fanboy sucking up to a fruit company for the only reason that all of their phones have the same messaging app and there’s no actual mess in Android other than no such universal app — that is, only if you live in the USA since elsewhere even iPhone owners use third-party apps and it’s iPhone

I find it very odd that I had to scroll through dozens of responses before someone brought up hangouts. It does everything anyone ever needs and works on every device, Apple, Android, or PC. And nobody is able to tell me why imessage is better...

My hot take: I’d rather have what you deem as sub-par messaging apps than be trapped in Apple’s awful ecosystem of forced Apple apps, limited hardware, and more severe vendor lock-in.

So not encrypting my SMS app, in which I converse about my daily life, is the same as emailing you all my usernames and passwords. Haha, wow.

Not caring about encryption in a messaging app is not the same thing as not caring about privacy at all.

I bought a Google Pixel 3 XL after having iPhones for 10 years... Android Messages with Chat features turned on (RCS) is pretty much the exact same as iMessage. I get/send read receipts, it uses wifi so I can send higher quality images and video, and it even has the little dots pop up to show that the other person is

Using Android Messages app on my Galaxy S7. I type a text, I press the send button, the other person gets my text. This works either on my phone or in a Chrome tab. Not sure what the problem is.

Even with the option available to use iMessage, in Mexico we prefer to use Whatsapp, because is the app used by everyone and we do not have to remember who is using what.