
Point is moot if he doesn't send usernames and passwords via text. 

You send a message, you get a reply. That's all real people care about and Android's apps work just fine. I've never met anyone who wanted imessage or whatever that garbage is on their phone.

And they would be right to question it. People should question things more. You can’t 100% prove anything is fact- especially these days when “scientific fact” is bought and sold.

I usually buy albums, but I have bought single songs. Would I have bought the entire albums for the single song? No. So is it better for an artist to get $1 for a song versus Zero for the album? Maybe they should have had better songs in the entire album than that one hit.

Not only is nothing really changing, they’re not selling YOUR individual data. They are not allowed to sell *identifying* data, legally, even with this repeal. So the morons paying to buy congress’ browsing history aren’t going to get anything.