My three-year-old son had been wearing his Paw Patrol T-shirt for a few weeks before I noticed something
My three-year-old son had been wearing his Paw Patrol T-shirt for a few weeks before I noticed something
Isn’t this tip a little obscure? Sort of like “Best way to get yourself out of quicksand - just use a JETPACK!”
Arousal detection?
We all like to think we’re open-minded, but election season brings out the worst in even the best of us. Even the…
Bla bla Office 365 bla bla
I find telling my parents my plans the worst thing I can do if I want to maintain enthusiasm. When I was considering changing career, they undermined, undermined, and undermined. Even when they seemed to have stopped, and I looked for something else, my dad managed to ruin the momentum for something else.
Actually, Off-line mode has been a stand on Chromebooks for years. This is on of the Chromebook “myths” that simply needs to die. You don’t need a connection to do almost anything on a Chromebook anymore.
Please for the love of all that is sacred, someone warn Chris Christie about the dangers of wearing tight pants
I dunno about you, but when I get a promotion at work, the first thing I do is order the massacre of all my new underlings. It makes the new hires much less inclined to revolt.
Are the quotes there because someone said it to you or are you quoting yourself?
This is a revelation to who? Who didn’t attend these kind of parties as a teenager? Or know people who did? Minus the social media and cell phones it seems like pretty much every “great” party I went to as a teenager down to asking older guys to buy alcohol. Hello. Are people that stupid?
paying for ads? genius.
This has to stop PLEASE filter out these garbage bags. This guy put his BMW keys in the picture and his rolex these are NOT things that we care about in a every day bag. We should be able to come here to see things we might find useful and say hey I didn't think of that. If I had a rolex I would keep it in my bag all…
His Pants are probably too tight for it to fit
10 Top Tips From Great Leaders That Will Blow Your Mind (And Maybe Change The Way You Do Business)
And then, if they say "We don't have a recycling program here," then you simply say "Oh," while looking a little judgmental. Then they'll realize that THEY'RE the ones that just blew the interview and will be falling all over themselves to offer you the position. Which you will have to decline because, according to…
How incredibly douche-tastic of these guys. Why would I throw away someone else's disposable cup ever, but especially at an interview? I have no idea if that person is finished using said cup - I for one find it more responsible to use the same cup all day. Playing tricks on your interviewees seems childish and…
To a lot of non-developers, learning to code seems like an impossibly daunting task. However, thanks to a number of…
Every time I see Mint in any Lifehacker article, I bang my head against the wall. I really love mint's features (as far as I can see in videos) but since I live in India, I really can't use this. My one request to Lifehacker, when you do stuff like this, is to mention that so-and-so app is region specific, and that…